1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? The product includes LGBTQ+ representation by demonstrating the love story between two closeted lesbians. This is exercising social awareness of two closeted lesbians and is normalizing the love between two girls. General love stories usually show a straight girl and a straight boy in a love conflict. In Taylor Swift's original music video, the love conflict was between a boy and a girl developing a love for each other. This is a repetitive pattern in most of her music videos and most love artists do the same. My product challenges other types of love which are not as traditional and for a long time were frowned upon. Social issues like homophobia are also a factor of everyday struggles LGBTQ+ communities face. My music video represents how homophobia and negative stigma on the whole LGBTQ+ community is a real thing and can affect how people act and feel towards the...