Production Blog no filming done due to the groups busy schedules

Heyy just Sofia here, not Kazmin or the other girls. Today the group could not get together due to everyone being busy. I have had a very busy week because of the time of year. Thanksgiving break just ended so school is back and everyone is sad :(. Some of my close family members like my aunts and cousins, flew in from Argentina to be with us during the holidays. My parents also really pushed me to be with them since I barely ever see them and will not see them for a while when they leave. This has caused me to be extra busy from spending time with them and with my regular school workload I was even busier. Not to mention all the tests I have and need to prepare for *cough* *cough* midterms. I did not have room to fit in a day of filming today due to this. Not only me, but the rest of the group also had many things going on today. In replacement of filming today, my group did another group facetime and talked about the music video. This was actually very fun. I liked that I know most of the outfits (costumes) I am going to wear in the video and where all the filming will be done in each scene. I know that the music video will have plenty of filming and editing days so I am not worried. I work very hard and effectively manage all my time so I would never do something that would jeopardize the quality of the music video. So the group was able to take today and not film and just converse about the content in the video. I know now everything I need to gather for my character in the music video and all the scenes I will film, which is not a lot #maincharacter. Honestly, I think it's good to have these group conversations before filming because it helps me know exactly what I need to do and how I can contribute to the group effectively. This allows everything to go smoothly on the actual filming days and for me to not get stressed when I don't know what to do when the group meets. I would actually rather take a day to fully debrief the plan for the video than use that day to film. I know I can get everything I need to do done in 2 days maximum. I guess everyone will know in the next blogs. Maybe I'm too confident lol. Anyways, till next time! 

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