Short film reasearch: ( The Last Note/Mystery)

Hey blogg. Today we will be discussing an award-winning mystery short film called "The Last Note" and pointing out different features within this film. For some background, the film begins with David driving to the lake while talking about leaving his wife and all his problems with her. Then David is seen with a body bag which is Catherine and dumps her in a lake. He does this due to catching her cheating on him the night before. Once David returns home, he starts drinking liquor while reading a book named Murder. In the book, there is a note from Catherine and as he reads to there are flashbacks to her putting poison in the bottle. He then realizes as she writes “Sorry I had to do this, goodbye David” and he passes away. To begin the sound purely consisted of voice-overs from both Catherine and David, the former husbands and wife, along with sound effects. In specific, dramatic sound effects were used which is very common within mystery short films. Common CAMs in mystery blogs and The Last Note were close-up shots to show the emotion of the protagonist, which was seen a lot during the car scene of David and all over the short film. In mystery films, sets in normal day environments are usually seen due to the sense of casualness to build tension. This is seen in The Last Note. During this short film, there were multiple flashbacks and slow-paced scenes which are very common within the mystery genre. Some highly favorited mystery films are:

  1. Memento (2000)

  2. Gone Girl (2014)

  3. Shutter Island (2010)

  4. Prisoners (2013)

  5. Chinatown (1974)

Lastly, we really enjoyed this short film due to its simplicity and the fact it kept us on our toes. We didn’t expect David to have killed his wife as we initially thought he was just gonna divorce her. Once we found out David killed her, the fact that Catherine poisoned his drink earlier in the day was very surprising. The whole story was able to be very developed within less an 5 minutes which is highly impressive. The only thing we would’ve enjoyed the short film to include is a little dialogue. This could have created a link between the audience and the film but, we still really enjoyed this film. Bye blog see you next time!

Award Winning** Mystery Short Film | "The Last Note" | 48HFP| Manmauji Films  | Triflix Films | - YouTube


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