Music Video completed

 This is the second complete production of Kazmin and the girls, which went very smoothly. Not only was the video thought out and filmed effectively but the process was a lot of fun. Everyone had their part and contributed to the success and completion of the music video. I made sure all the necessary requirements were met along with a nice overall aesthetic to the video, and I hope this is recognized. I learned a lot during the process and grew from the last filming a lot as well. I know now that I can let everyone contribute and take part in the process. I also learned a few editing tips and filming styles that will definitely help me in the future. Although Kazmin and the girls seem perfect, believe it or not, we had some obstacles on the road as well. I know I'm not the only one, but sometimes it is easy to blur the line between fun time and work time especially when hanging out with your friends. However, I managed myself accordingly and mostly everything went well. This just makes everything more fun and enjoyable. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the video and see all the effort that was put into it. 


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