Production Blog... still editing :)

 Hey guys! Again, still Sofia, no Kazmin no Jenna, and no Savaannh. Just me talking about the last part of the editing process and how the group is basically finished with the music video. So after the first two clips, one being the split screen were added, I tackled the sound. I went to youtube and screen-recorded the "You Belong With Me" audio by Taylor Swift song. I then cropped the beginning of the video and the end where the music is not playing. After that, I exported the video with the sound on too Jenna's laptop so I could download it to iMovie. I needed to make sure all the clips and lip-syncing lined up so I rewatched it and tweaked it a few times. I did this until everything matched up and was aligned with the storyline. This was my job for the editing. I was in charge of the sound and the split screen effect. However, I'm not done with the sound. I had to go in and mute every clip so that the music was the only thing you could hear. While doing this I found that one of the clips, the one where Jenna is throwing clothes from her closet, was actually just a moving picture. It seemed it had been downloaded to IMovie as an image. I immediately re-send the specific clip to Jenna's laptop and re-downloaded the video as an actual video. Good thing I caught this before everything was already done phew. After I had some extra time in class so I went on youtube to check out cool music video effects for love songs. My job was not transitions but I send the video, after watching it, to Jenna so that she could add them in. It was nice helping her out like that and hopefully, she can find it useful. 


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