Production aka Editing era

 Hey guys. Sofia here, AGAIN. Just me, not Kazmin nor the girls. Okay, so where was I, editing! That's right. Today I started editing but I didn't finish. Firstly, I organized all the clips from my phone and chose each one I was going to use. I extracted a total of like 10 videos. My first really frustrating bump in the road was getting the clips from my phone to Jenna's MacBook to IMovie. It took me approximately AN HOUR to get 10 clips onto IMovie, and I am usually a fast worker. I don't know what wasn't working but everytime I sent them to her laptop they would disappear or reappear as a picture. This really demotivated me and stressed me out. Nonetheless, after an hour, I did it and it was worth all the struggle and pain I went through. After getting them onto IMovie from Jenna's MacBook because mine stopped working. I used to have it but one day after I updated my mac it stopped working, ugh can you believe these Apple products. Anyways, back to the editing, so I transferred all the clips to IMovie and began to cut them down. I cut down most clips like 2 seconds and muting all of them. Once I did this, I went through the video to make sure it was all coherent and it was. Than I need to figure out how to spilt the screen for the phone call scene of Savannah and Jenna fighting. This was my second bump of the road. I searched and look for videos on Youtube of how to split screen on IMovie endlessly, but i couldn't find it. After I gave up a few times, I finally cracked the code. All the videos were for a software called I'mMovie not IMovie so I re typed it in correctly, because it auto corrected before *eye roll*, and I found how to do it. I had to import the first video, Jenna in her kitchen arguing on the phone, and than on top of that the second video, Sav on the phone, and after that I had to click on the drop down menu in the top left and hit split screen. Just seeing something finally working got me excited and happy to see the finished product. However, by the time I had done all this, class was over and the group would have to finish editing in the next class, which was not a problem. Although today was bumpier than most days, I still did more than my part and edited the music video enough to make effective progress next class. 

me tdy ^


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