Production aka Kazmin and the girls finish the filming process

Hey, guys. Just Sofia again, sadly. What's not sad is that Kaz and the girls filmed all the scenes woooo. Now comes the fun part, putting all the work together. But before that, I will tell you guys on the other side of the screen how the rest of the filming went for me and how I did my part. Firstly, everyone all hung out again at Jenna's house the day after the first filming day so the group didn't lose its mojo and flow. All I brought was the outfit I was wearing and 3 backpacks and my phone which the filming was mostly done. My phone is the 14 pro so I possess the cinematic mode on the camera which is why the quality is so good #slay. Most of the last scenes that were not done, needed to be filmed in front of a school. This required the whole gang from the first filming day, everyone came again, to get to the park. Everyone else got an electric scooter or a bike and my friend and I were left with nothing so I had to walk. This delayed everything because this one boy wouldn't give me the scooter which both my friend and I could go on and would speed everything up. Basically, chivalry is dead and I ended up getting to this closed elementary school last. After I arrived, all the girls went to the middle of this baseball field and filmed my favorite scene, the dancing scene. Kazmin and the girls never miss a good ol' dancing scene. I choreographed basically the whole dance and based it around an action match from turning the wheel to a dance move. I'm supposed to give cheerleader energy and popular girl vibes so let's hope you guys get that. Anyways after all the filming was done, everyone just hung out. I 1v1 Kazmin in basketball and played volleyball. I brought all the vibes this day and I planned the very important dance scene. I also literally laid on the dashboard to film Jenna in the car scene. I was determined and I didn't play. Always next I will edit but so far this is so fun and memorable. Can't wait!


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