Prodcution Blog aka self reflection.

 Hey guys! So in this blog, I will be talking about myself in the process of production during the music video in collaboration with my group. Overall, I think I played a huge part in the group. I contributed costumes, props, filming devices, editing skills, and most important GOOD VIBES. I also had many of the main ideas that were used in the video. I choreographed the little cheer scene and had the idea of the action match from the car to the field. I love that everyone in my group comes up with ideas and take my ideas. I love my group mates and I know the feeling is mutual so working together is fun and always nice to do. I am a very specific person who likes to do things my own way. My group probably picked up on this when I usually volunteer to do the group works. I get anxious when someone else is in charge of a group blog. This is something I came to accept and recognize when working with Kazmin and the girls.
I was able to let myself collaboratively do group work and even allow someone else to do the writing. That's made me learn that I can't control everything. In the filming process, I also like to take charge. If I'm not an actor I will usually wanna be the one to film so I can perfectly place the angles how I want them to be. Therefore this time around, when filming the music video, I allowed my group mates to do some filming and acting. This actually alleviated my stress and allowed me to understand the meaning of the word collaboration. Anyways I lowkey went on a rant there but I learn a lot from my group and with my group during the production process. The music video is now all edited and revised, ready for submission. I played many roles and contributed lots of fun and ideas during the process. I hope this is reflected in the music video. 

me taking pic for the its_artsy_jenna Instagram ^^


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