My short film’s plot revolves around friendship and the struggles friends face. It portrays how girl friendships, in particular, can change, but it also touches on general problems many friends go through, regardless of gender. My movie, in short, encompasses two best friends who meet a new girl and one of the friends becomes closer to the new girl. This caused the old best friend to become very jealous and act on it by killing the new girl. This touches on the theme of jealousy in an extreme manner. Although many people don’t act as aggressively on their jealousy, these feelings are genuine and cause damage to society. The feelings of betrayal and jealousy can stem into greater mental health issues and affect an individual’s role in society. The act of being replaced in friendships can be the loneliest experience for somebody. It makes people think they are not good enough, or that something is wrong with them just solely because of the fact their friend is now closer to someone...