Creating the website

 Hey blog. Here again and todays topic will be my contribution in making the website! So most of the website was assigned to Carleigh but there was a problem. She used an outside resource to create the website which when she was done charged her to share it to others. This cause her to be very frustrated as all of the work she did the website would be erased. I did some research and found a free of charge website maker called “Wix”. I reassured her she wouldn’t have to redo it completely and that I would help her. I asked her to sent a screenshot of the website she had made prior as I guideline. In the making of the website I was getting frustrated myself. As there are soo many little options to edit and lots of settings to adjust, making the website was annoying. Wix made it pretty easy to use the features and everything so that was a plus. I had to think of a color pallet for our website which I ended up with a black, dark red and cream color. I tried to keep this color pallet across the whole website but some parts I had to add white to. After the color, I readjusted all the sizing of the titles and headers which was complicated. I then added all the words and big titles along with choosing the font. The font always makes me conflicted. I was between two good fonts but ended up with the more simple one as I thought it meshed better with the website. I then changed the internal links of the website to “About us”, “Reviews” and “Home”. I added photos of all the group mates and a little description of each of us. This was fun and the be at part of making the website. After that I added some reviews from my friends of the film so far. Lastly, I added the release date, locations and all that u information to the home page. That completes all the work I did for the website. I hope you guys go check to out. Byee see you next time. 


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