Back at it again with the editing

 Hey blog. I am back again here and reading to discuss the editing process within my group and how I contributed. So  Jenna has now recovered from the flu and is back and better than ever. As all of the scenes have been filmed editing tasks have started. I was the director throughout the whole filming process so I had all the videos on my phone. However, Jenna, as she’s been out, would be doing most of the filming. I ran into a problem getting the videos sent out. My phone has basically ran out of storage so sending a lot of long clips through messages isn’t able to be done with some storage. This caused me to not be able to send the videos until I freed up some storage space on my phone. I did this by going through my camera roll and deleting old and unwanted videos and photos. I also went through my apps and deleted unnecessary ones. I didn’t realize how many food apps I have that I never use lol. This freed up enough storage to get me to send the scenes over to Jenna. Next, my task was to go through all the times of the scenes and estimate the total time of the film. My group had A LOT of scenes and they totaled to about 7 minutes. This is a lot more than the maximum. So I had to go through the scenes and cut out ones that didn’t make sense and weren’t completely necessary. This was hard because I didn’t want to erase scenes that the group planned and filmed but I had to as they were not needed and didn’t affect the plot. Once I thought I had erased enough, I checked and I didn’t because the time was still around 6 minutes. This was annoying cause I had to recheck and redelete more scenes but I got through it. I made sure and I had a good time for the raw scenes so I sent that all over to Jenna and she got started on the cutting and clipping of the scenes. 


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