Postcard timeee

 Hey guys! Okay so let me take you through my process of making the group's postcard. Since the group is four people, everyone tried to be involved in the group project. However, as Jenna has been out of commission for a while due to sickness, the rest of the group mates will have to put in more work. This is not a problem as the rest of my groupmates are very hardworking individuals, unlike my last group lol. So, originally I had no part in the postcard as I had put in a lot of work with the website and the social media handles, but now I will be doing the back page of the postcard. I talked with Natalia through a lot of my process in making the postcard as she was making the front page. I called her so I could get a gauge of how the front vibe was looking so I could match it. Natalia and I talked for a while about the postcard and other things as her and I are friends outside this class. I then went on to make the back of the postcard. She sent me the completed front and this helped me a lot in getting a feel for how the back should look like. Since the postcard is suppose to match front and back, I had to wait for Natalia to have done the front. Once she sent me the front, I started making the back through canva. I used canva as it is a free digital website for design and it is easy to manage as I have worked with it before. I started with inserting a bloody white picture for the back. I then added the texts and information onto the back. Lastly, I linked all the social media handles which I had created for the film. I made sure the public can reach this sites and social platforms. That was basically all I did for the creation of the postcard. I then sent it to my groups group chat as they were asking to see it. The harmony between Natalia and I was perfect as both sides matched and looked cohesive. That’s all for today! See you next time.


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