Sickness won't stop the girls!

Hey blog, back again. So bad news but also good news. Jenna got the flu. No, I was so sad when she told me. Not only because the group would need to figure out how to film, but also cause she's my friend and I wouldn't be able to see her for a while. She told us on the Friday before the group was planning on finishing filming. This was an obstacle as she felt really sick and couldn't just push through it. However, after discussing what could be done on a Facetime call, a conclusion was drawn up. As there are some solo scenes of Natalia in the dark, the flashbacks, the group decided to film without Jenna. This did not bother Jenna she said as she understood that filming needed to continue although she was under the weather. However, this did make things complicated as the clips of Jenna's character were already filmed in her house like it was her characters house. Nontheless, since the scenes would be dark, the house wouldn't really be seen. So once everyone came to a agreement that filming would be done without Jenna, I set a filming date for that Saturday night. I chose to film at night as the scenes needed to be dark and the setting of those scenes were at night. Carleigh and I drove to Natalias house at around 6pm, when the sun was basically down. Natalias house was probably the most similar to Jenna's so that's why Natalia offered to film there. So, once at Natalias, I went straight to director mode and the girls put on their best acting skills. Throughout the whole night, I filmed the breaking into the house clips and the suspicious scenes in  the dark. All that was left for there flashbacks was the funeral scenes and the scenes of Jenna with Natlia in the dark, which were only like 2. That night I felt really productive and so Carliegh asked if Natalia and I wanted to go get some food to celebrate. I thought that was a super fun idea and Natalia suggested Bolay, a yummy restaurant near her house. I've had Bolay before but that night it hit different. It was so good and so was the filming day. Although Jenna was heavily missed, the group made it through without her. I like that I can get together with some of my groupmates without Jenna and not feel awkward and weird. Last year, during A level, I couldn't imagine hanging around my groupmates without Jenna, in case of a problem like now. I didn't feel completely comfortable with my other groupmates last year. This year that is very different and, lately, Jenna hasn't been present, due to sickness, and nothing has been awkward with Carleigh or Natalia. The group chemistry I have with them is perfect. Anyways see you next time. Byeee. 

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