Group blog

 Hey everyone!!! Here again and ready to talk about my group. So I’m sad to announce that Kazmin and the girls, my old group, is disbanded. I have Jenna and Kazmin in my class so part of the group could be reunited but fortunately we have two new members!! My dear friends Carleigh and Natalia are the new additions to the group. So now it will be all girls which means more girl power. A little bit about them is that they are both great friends. Carleigh is a tennis queen that is always by your side for anything. She’s so pretty and looks like a model because of her unique hair. It’s a strawberry blonde and her queen eyes compliment it very nicely. Her work ethic is very strong as she always has straight As. Natalia is also very helpful and maintains good grades. She is a little on the sassy side but she will make sure we get all out work done efficiently and quickly. Her experience in filming from her yearbook class will contribute a lot to our group. She’s a great assets for our grade and she’s enjoyable to be around. A problem from my last group was that not everyone would contribute to work and all the heavy lifting would be left with Jenna and I. This definitely won’t be a problem this time around as I believe both Carleigh and Natalia will work hard and put in effort. My number 1 og girl Jenna Olson is also part of my group, obviously. She hasn’t changed a bit and still slays the days. Her bright smile makes this class so fun and I actually can’t wait to film with her again. This new group is gonna be so fun and all the new and old members are gonna be great addition. I feel bad for Kazmin, an old group member, because he wanted to be apart of our group as well but unfortunately we made new arrangements this year and were left no space. He will be grouped with Hunter who made a few appearances in our videos so he will be in good hands. Anyways that all for today! I am excited to see how this groups develops. See ya for the planning blog. BYEEE p.s I will insert some photos of my group so you guys see what we are working with. 

this is me, in the red, carleigh, in the green, and natalia, in the black. 

this is jenna the queen 


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