Production Blog 2

What's upppp. So Kazmin and the girls filmed the whole commercial on Saturday, October 8th, 2022. I will explain the process and what I did. Firstly, all the group members met in my community and went to the gym. Jenna, Kazmin, and I were all wearing athletic clothing and I brought a colorful shirt to change into when the commercial is in Kazmin's dance world. Savannah and Kazmin both brought two pairs of AirPods and their phones to turn the music on and off and film the commercial. At my community clubhouse, where the gym is located, the group practiced the dance scene and choreographed it near the pool. Although Jenna and Kazmin are a lot more coordinated than I am, I got the dance down. It was my idea to practice outside of the gym first so the scene would be swiftly executed. Then when the group was ready, the filming began. Savanah filmed the whole commercial and Kazmin, Jenna, and I was the people in the commercial. In the first scene, Savannah used her iPhone 14 pro to film due to its cinematic setting. The lady guarding my communities clubhouse got upset and how many times Jenna and I were going in and outside of the gym. She then told us to stop opening the doors so many times. This forced us to quickly film the first scene of Kazmin, Jenna, and I walking in, Jenna and me behind Kazmin. All the filming was done in under 15 minutes. The storyboard helped me a lot in directing every scene. For the video, the group used different areas of the gym for different scenes. Savannah also used a multitude of camera angles during the filming. Kazmin used the treadmill and Jennas and I used the yoga mats as props. The filming was very productive and everything was able to get done with time to spare! The group also planned how the editing was gonna go during the hangout to make sure it was ready before it was due. 


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