Genre Decision


 We contemplated selecting thriller as our film genre. Especially since the last project thriller was in our top two genre choices. This genre is known for being suspenseful, this keeps audiences on their toes. Thriller movies are typically set in secluded or eerie locations, though some take place in more common areas. These characteristics were considered as we planned our project and selected our filming location. However, we ultimately didn't finalize thriller as our genre. Thrillers often feature low lighting, which would be challenging to achieve with our available camera equipment and filming conditions.

Mystery Genre 

The Mystery genre is filled with suspense. Our group would be interested in this because we feel like it would be fun to film. There are many interesting concepts that our group could portray by pursuing this genre. Mystery would include suspense and a lot of thinking to find out who committed the crime in the situation. We would build up the plot and then have the audience try to figure out who committed the crime while also throwing subtle hints as to what the answer is. Mystery is a very good option for what our pitch is and will go well. On the other hand, The Mystery genre can be a little time-consuming and tedious to build the plot. We do feel as though we could pull off this genre and it would be fun and interesting to create a movie on.

Horror Genre 

Elements of the Horror Genre that we find interesting are the fear factor and the goreiness. It's also neat that you can expect a frightening scene when you hear the sinister music. Elements of the Horror Genre that we don't like are that they make the characters unaware that they are in grave danger. For example, when a character hears a strange noise, they feel the need to walk towards it. We also don't like how many horror films have a slow start, which bore us and makes it extremely hard to continue watching. For our movie, making a horror film would be difficult to do because while the producers of horror films like The Omen and The Shining have millions of dollars to work with, we don't. It would also be hard to use special effects makeup and include weapons without putting our safety at risk.

Decision: After researching and learning more about 3 different genres, we have chosen to make our movie follow a mystery genre. It is the most convenient because we have access to many resources that could be used as the perfect setting. We also intend to make our movie full of tension and allow viewers to be involved, which we can efficiently do when making a mystery. 

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