Title Research: A Nightmare on elm street

 The first title displayed was the title for the company producing the movie which was the new Line cinema. Next title that popped up was the title for the producer which was Robert Shaye. After that the writer and director for the film's title showed up which was Wes Craven. After that all the people involved with making the film are put on screen. 

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 

There were images of the main antagonist's future weapons which were his claws. Also, there were images of the protagonist in a white night gown. There are also images of the cross and images of pipes. 

What connotations do these images carry? 

The connotation of these images tried to make the audience feel scared. Like something bad was about to happen. Also, the film’s opening sequence tried to give off the feeling it was good vs evil. 

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? 

The angles of the protagonists look down on her which makes her seem weaker. When looking at the antagonist the camera had to face up to see him. The costumes used made the antagonist creepy, making his hand dirty and the props he used being sharp and scary. 

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 

In the opening sequence, they include a jump scare then everything goes black. This starts off the movie with an ominous feel which would appeal to the target audience. Secondly, the props given were sharp and terrifying, they were not looking like they were used for cooking, this would thrill the audience for gore like in every horror film. 

How has technology been used effectively?  

They used cross cutting to switch back and forth between the antagonist and protagonist. Also, they used a low angle shot to look up at the antagonist to make him seem powerful. Also, they zoomed in and did a close-up shot to see how frightened the protagonist was. In the end they used a two shot to show the power the antagonist had over the protagonist. 


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