Storyboard Blog


First scene: Kazmin, Sofia, Jenna, and maybe Savannah will all walk into the gym. This shot will be a medium close-up for Kazmin and the girls will be a little further back, making it a medium shot for them. There will be no music in this shot only the natural sound effects like shoe noises, door opening noise, etc.
Second scene: Kazmin opens the Airpod pro case from his pocket and puts the AirPods in his ears. This shot will be taken at a medium shot displaying his side profile. This is when the music starts which demonstrates Kazmin falling into a dream of music from the AirPods. We will use this by Fading into his head with a black screen to show the audience that the next scenes will all be in his head. The sound effect of the case opening and the AirPods connecting will all be included. The music will be the same vibe as the commercial, fun and upbeat. In the background of all of this, you will see the girls working out. 

Third scene: In Kazmins music dream world he hands the girls, either Jenna, Sofia, or Savannah, an Airpod joyfully to let them share the wonderful experience. The girls now have the AirPods in their ears and are showing happy emotions. This will all be happening in a long shot and wide shot to show our full bodies and actions. 

Fourth scene: Kazmin and the girls are all dancing in unison to the song playing from the beat. Out actions will be followed with a tracking shot and a multiple-person shot. The vibes from this scene are only good, happy, and upbeat. The music, the dancing, and the clothing will all match the actions in the commercial. There will be lots of movement in this scene. The dance will look to be choreographed to further show the audience how Airpods are taking Kazmin into a dancing dream world. 

Fifth scene: A Fade out from Kazmins head will take place showing the audience that we are leaving his dream world and entering back into reality to show the real perspective of what Kazmin is doing. The Fade out also cuts off the music and returns to only the natural gym noises.  

Sixth scene: The girls are all standing with the AirPods Kazmin had given them initially with a confused and weirded-out expression. An over-shoulder shot of Kazmin dancing and singing, clearly in a trance, while the girls look at him and think "what is he doing" or "what is wrong with him". This is meant to show how AirPods are magically and able to take someone away into a happy and vibey dream. 


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