Conflict filming

 Hey, blog. Finally, the group has begun filming. After all the conflicting schedule business and the messy time frames, my group came together and started the most fun part, filming. First, I drove over to Jenna's house with all the supplies needed. The drive is about 35 minutes and everyone else lives like 20 minutes from Jenna. I live the farthest but it's okay because I like my area better lol. So once everyone was at Jenna's house, Jenna needed to finish drying her hair. All of us were on her bed watching her try out a new heat styling brush, the Wavytalk brush. Once she finished, I suggested everyone get right into filming, and that happened. I wanted to start with the scenes in Jenna's house as it would make the most sense. My job for the movie was filming which I was somewhat okay with. Due to the fact, that I was out of town when everyone was choosing roles, I got left with filming duty which isn't the best. I would have preferred to be a part of the film but I decided that it was fine. To compromise I suggested I be in some scenes as a background character. This made me kinda upset with everyone but it's okay because it turned out good either way. Anyways back to the important stuff, filming. At Jenna's, I made sure all the clips in the house were filmed. The group ran into a problem with the wardrobe. None of the girls except Jenna wanted to keep changing outfits for the scenes which would be on different days. This caused some fighting between Jenna and Natalia. They both have very feisty personalities so they were prone to argue more. However, once everything calmed down, I suggested the girls stop fighting and just change their tops, not the whole outfit. They agreed to this and everyone went back to normal. You guys reading might think wow that's not good, but because the group is friends outside the project, things can often get firey but that's because everyone's comfortable with each other. This allows the girl's opinions to be shared without thinking about it and not saying it. In my group last year, since I wasn't close with 2 people in my work, I felt I couldn't call them out on certain things that bothered me. So it's nice that in my current group, everyone can fight it out and not just ignore the feelings of the group. 



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