Comparing Le Jetee, the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie

 Before researching these two films we didn't realize how similar the two storylines were. We were distracted by the use of still images compared to video sequences to notice the plot. After watching “La Jetee vs 12 Monkeys… which is better?” I see that both films explore the idea of time travel and the consequences of your actions. La Jetee does this through the use of images to tell this provoking story. When creating our own short films we can take these to films and use them as inspiration. We want to incorporate more complex ideas that leave the audience thinking. I think the goal of our short film is to really throw the audience off track almost like a plot twist. We could maybe even incorporate the idea of a natural disaster just like La Jetee and 12 Monkeys. After watching the two films we also took the video style into consideration for our film. The La Jetee images are black and white so the film has an older, more dark feeling to it. For the 12 Monkeys film, certain clips are slowed down to really accentuate the drama or unfortunate events shown by the characters. If we were to add these to our film I think it would add a lot more suspense that would greatly enhance our murder mystery genre. In the passage “A Comparison of 12 Monkeys & La Jetée” they help go along with what we learned from the video, they talk about two very cool films that tell their stories in unique ways. "La Jetée" uses still pictures and a voice telling the story, while "12 Monkeys" mixes different types of film styles. Both movies talk about deep topics such as memories that can affect us and what happens after a global disaster. Overall all these ideas can help make our short films by encouraging us to try new ways of telling our stories like talking about deep topics and mixing different styles. This also opens our eyes to incorporating some sort of message behind our film. We hope to create a film that leaves a lasting impression on our audience. After researching these two movies we've never been more excited to work on our short film.

La Jetée - The Criterion Channel


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