No filming yet, stressful day and Savs bday

 Hey y’all. Back at it again with Ka… wait it’s still just me, Sofia. Womp womp womp. Jk it’s okay cause Kazmin and the girls already have a set time to film 🥳 🥳🥳. Speaking of happy birthday emojis, it’s Savannah’s birthday!!!!! She turned 16 today and she’s all grown up 🥹. Everyone say happy birthday to her. That’s a main reason the group couldn’t film today. Plus I had a lot going on at school today and I imagine so did the others. On a serious note, my school had two lockdowns across two school days. I was sat in the same room for the whole entire 7 hour. The first hour and a half I was sitting in the dark on the floor a little stressed. Due to the urgency of the lockdown announcement, I had a few thoughts in the back of my head that I maybe wasn’t safe. Luckily, my school moved into a secure code which is better. However, sitting in the same classroom for that many hours wasn’t productive. I feel as my school should have just released the students at that point due to the same thing occurring the last school day. With many lockdown codes happening at the same time, I can’t understand how the school could have the students sit, without being able to be picked up, in a class for 5+ hours. I can show sympathy to the fact that the school couldn’t have known but with all the security on campus, I think something could have been done for the students. Either way, the day was very stressful so filming was not really an option. It’s the sad truth but I had to prioritize my feelings and health before  being able to film. It’s a really fun experience so I wouldn’t want my mood to ruin that. I wasn’t upset more just shaky and tired. As soon as I got home I took a nap because I was just exhausted from all the events I endured. Anyways guys see y’all when Kazmin and the girls film which won’t be in too much time, I promise. Can’t wait. 


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