Our Pitch

Abandoned area pitch: A group of teens challenges themselves to spend 24 hours in an abandoned property thinking it would be trouble-free, however, that's the last word to describe it. 

Ocean pitch: One morning a girl and her surfboard tackle the waves, as always, but the ocean has a different plan. 

The abandoned area pitch is creative and unique so doing that would make us stand out as a group. It also sounds like a lot of fun with a big group of people and our group meets the character requirements. Going to an abandoned area has always been something we have wanted to do and it's pretty common for teens to go in our area. There are apps that are designed to visit every abandoned place in your community and they went viral a few years ago. Many YouTubers have actually done 24-hour challenges in such places. It will also be scary so our actions will be natural.  Since our group frequently hangs out this could be another fun adventure that we get to document.

The ocean pitch could also be very cool and fun. We have surfboards and we live in Florida so it's a good idea. Sofia knows how to surf and she actually won a competition in Hawaii for surfing. Jenna has a go pro which would allow for safe filming in the water. However, it would entail us going into the ocean which could pose difficulty since it's winter so the water is pretty cold. Other than that, it's a solid pitch which could result in it being a good film. 

As a group, we discussed both pitches and came up with the decision to choose the Abandoned area pitch. This is due to attainability and creativity. 

30+ Abandoned Places In Fort Lauderdale | Abandoned Florida


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