Production Blog 3

Hey blog. For the last step of the production, editing, everyone in the group had different tasks. I am on sound duty. Sound is incredibly important for any film. Since the product is AirPods which are basically apple earbuds for listening to sound, it's extremely important for editing. The song Kazmin chose to add for when he inserts the Airpods in his ears was upbeat. He chose this because the theme of the commercial is an 80's exercise video. So after Savannah cut all the clips to the correct time, it was my turn. Firstly, I took all the clips and put them on the editing app the group is using, IMovie. I chose to use that one cause it's free on Imacs and it's easy to use. After all the clips were in, I muted all the clips except for the one Kazmin is singing in. Then I add all the extra sounds. I added the airpods connecting sound, the case opening, and closing, and all the sound effects of Kazmin entering and leaving his fantasy world. I used Youtube to execute this. I searched for airpods sound when connected, airpods case closing sound and other sound effects. After that, I recorded a video on my phone of the sound and then sent it to myself so I could open it on my laptop. Then I imported each sound by pressing add media and then putting the sound only. This added all the sounds to each designated clip. Then I had to add the music. I had to overlap the sounds of the airpods connecting with the music to give it a real effect. I did the same with the music as I did with the rest of the sound. I browsed for the song on youtube and recorded it on my phone. After, I imported only the sound of the music exactly where the sound of the airpods connecting began. I set the music at 75% volume and then adjusted the rest. All the other groupmates had their own part in the editing. 

Kazmin, Jenna, Savannah, and I all look very studious as we edit. 


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