Facetime with group

Heyy bloggg. The group couldn't physically meet but I came up with a different idea to discuss with the group. Instead of hanging out, I suggested to make a group Facetime call. And we did exactly that. During the Facetime call, I tried my best to stay on task and discuss only filming things related. This however was harder for the group than thought. Nonetheless, I confirmed an exact day I know when I will not be busy. My other groupmates also surprisingly agreed on this day. I wrote down on my digital reminder app that the group would film on that specific day. On the call, I brought up everything the group would need to bring on filming day. This includes a few changes of clothes each, due to many different scenes being set on different days, charged phones, props like fake blood, and other miscellaneous things. Jenna also brought up that everyone should get to her house early so the group could make it to all the locations we needed to go to. This was a good point as filming needed to be done at the mall, Jenna's house, a restaurant, and the beach. For the rest of the call, I proposed we go through the storyboard again to ensure all the clips are good. Natalia shared her screen through Facetime so that everyone on the call could follow along the photos. Then Carleigh pointed out that the storyboards are long and she didn't think that all our scenes would fit within the time frame. Everyone agreed so I proposed everyone look through the scenes and star the unnecessary ones just in case the film was getting too long. This was very effective because it gave everyone a gauge and the most important scenes and the ones that weren't too important. Additionally, this would make it easier during the filming process. All in all the Facetime was very productive and ensured us the ability to film FOR SURE next time. See you next time blog byeee. 

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