Conflicting schedules

 Hey, blog I'm back and ready to discuss my production process and how it relates to my groups. So plans aren't always able to be drawn out and in this case, the plan for the first filming day couldn't be drawn out. My group consists of very busy and hard-working people. On the weekend my group had first planned on starting to film everyone ended up needing to prioritize other events. Firstly, my extended family had flown down two weeks prior so the filming date ended up being on their last weekend. This overlap caused my parents to disagree with me leaving for basically a whole day to Jenna's house. As I live in Hollywood and Jenna is in north Fort Lauderdale to get to her I need to drive 40 minutes up so this takes up a lot of days going and coming back. Usually, it wouldn't be a problem but since I needed to be home for dinner my parents were hosting as a farewell for the family that was leaving, I couldn't drive all the way up to film all the planned scenes the group needed to get through to and drive back on time. You're probably asking yourself why didn't you just wake up early and plan to leave earlier to make time for everything, well that wasn't possible. I had a SAT practice exam scheduled that Saturday morning which started at promptly 9: 30 am and ended around 2 and 30 minutes later. This would have caused me to be done with my test at around 12 pm and then head over to Jenna's which would have left me with not a lot of time to film with the group. Taking my whole day's schedule into account, I was unable to film on that weekend. However, I was not the only one with a busy day. Carliegh had forgotten she had a tennis tournament which takes up her whole Saturday. She texted the group the night before letting us know she would be unable to go film and that she was sorry for forgetting she was busy. Seeing the text, I was relieved as I would also be unable to film. Jenna was very understanding of Carliegh and my busy schedule and proposed to film the following day, Sunday. However, Natalia then reminds Jenna she had stated before that she works on Sundays and would be unable to film on Sundays in general. This caused the group to agree on filming the following weekend as nothing had stuck to the original plan. This was unfortunate but since my group is very understanding these problems wouldn't cause fighting or conflict. It is nice working with a considerate group and makes me feel very good about the group's chemistry within the project. Additionally, this problem wouldn't really affect the time to complete the filming. As I planned very in advance, knowing my groupmates were all very busy, I was not stressed about not having enough time to film. Anyway, see you next time when hopefully I will have made some progress within the filming stage. Byeeee. 

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