The Party Plan

 Hey bloggg. We are back and ready to go in depth with out party plan!! This plan is especially fun and awesome as it lays down the details for our filming process of our short film. WOOO. So excited. Okay enough chitter chatter, let’s begin. 

Last week my group and I discussed how we wanted to begin filming. Thankfully our group is super easy going with not too tight of schedules so deciding how we want to plan was quite easy. We're planning on filming either next week or the week after. We figured that getting a jump on our video would be more beneficial as it leaves us with more time to edit and make any changes. Not to mention that we already know exactly where we're going to film and how we're going to execute the scenes. We're going to film our short movie at Jenna's house because her house meets in the middle of all the group members. She also has parks and stores nearby just in case we decide to film a scene in that type of setting. The only people that would be filming and participating in the creation of this short film would be Natalia, Jenna, Sofia, and Carleigh. We are going to have no additional people in our film and it will be based solely around us. We will be rotating between who films depending on who is in what scene. Whoever is not in a scene will be the one filming during that time. Regarding Health and Safety, we are going to make sure to keep everything safe. The setting of the short film is going to be in a very safe environment and all group members will make sure not to do anything out of hand or anything that can endanger themselves or another group member. My group and I are very smart and cautious when it comes to filming and we will make sure to keep a first aid kit nearby incase of any small accidents in which the short film will definitely not have.  In terms of props, our group will be using basic props like phones, earbuds and other accessories because these are things seen in everyday life. Some of our scenes will be everyday life activities like driving, going to eat etc. During these scenes, basic accessories like purses, sunglasses and other will be in use. Other props that have more specific purposes are fake weapons like plastic knives or things that look like they can do damage (fake things). Conventional items like jump ropes, poles and pans that aren’t normally used to hurt someone will be apart of our short film. Our costumes will include basic trending casual clothing for teenage girls and teenage boys that all fit for hot weather as our filming location has a rather warmer weather. In specific scenes, more camouflaged outfits will be seen like all black outfits. For older people in our short film, casual, more conservative outfits will be worn. The group did go over a few back up ideas just in case everything didn't go according to plan. For example, everyone has their own lives outside of this project and things are bound to come up. If for any reason one of the girls is unable to come to a set filming day because they may be sick, or have to go to work, etc; some back up dates are in place as well as substitute actors who have worked with our members before. These back up actors have shown their skills in past projects so if in the worst case scenario we need an understudy there will be no issues. Another problem the group planned for is if our location was unavailable. Jenna’s house is the ideal place to film since its in the middle of everything but if there is any reason we can’t everyone agreed that we could film at Natalia’s, that way it's still a house that matches what is written within the script. Our group can’t wait to start filming! See you later blog!


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