First day of filming at the beach

 Hey guys! Kazmin and the girls finally started filming. WOOO! So I’m gonna basically when you guys through everything that was done today. First, Jenna picked us up on her car and drove us to Hollywood Boulevard. She then found Kazmin at the park and pick him up as well. Later I realized the building that the group had planned filming in, had been teared down. This caused the group to move to our back up plan. I remembered about a place on the beach that had a very scary vibe to it. It wasn’t actually abandoned, but it looked like it and it was very big. So I pitch the idea to the group and they loved it.Jenna drove us to the beach which wasn’t far at all. The place was designed as a mall but there was a total of like four people and they all worked there.After getting permission from the workers to film I got straight to it. I had already planned on filming multiple days. All the people there weren’t all in the media studies class. One of them were my best friend Emilia and she was in charge of filming until she could because she had to leave at 3. The first scene was the “YouTube video” clip from Jenna’s POV. It took a few tries because as the group filmed I got an idea to say that intro of the video all together to make it look more organized and thought out. I made sure to let emilia know that because the project is an opening sequence there needs to be room in the scenes for titles. Later the group continued to film a few more scenes until 3 on where Emilia had to leave and Jenna couldn’t stay out passed 5 and her house was far. This wrapped up the first successful day of the filming process and the got a lot done. I calculated only need one more day to finish getting all the scenes and filming the project. I had a blast and couldn’t wait to finish the filming. After the filming comes the editing which is my second favorite process because I get to see how the project is coming together. Anyways see you guys later! Can’t wait. Byeeeeeeeee.



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