Couldn’t film due to Florida heat and busy schedules

 Hey guys! Not kazmin  and the girls today just me. After getting through all of that research, planning and more planning, I finally made it to the filming part of the process. The production part of projects is always my favorite because it’s the most fun and most important. The group couldn’t film during the weekend or on Monday due to various reasons. It’s march in Florida, meaning  the weather is very warm. This weekend it reached 90 degrees Fahrenheit, which is very hot. This was a big factor in why Kazmin and the girls couldn’t meet and film. I noticed how hot it would be and I suggested that the group should film the following weekend during a later time because it would be cooler. Also not only was the weather a big problem, but this weekend I was very busy. My sister came up from Miami which is where she is studying for college and I had to spend time with her because I never see her. I also love her and want to spend time with her. So filming would just not be convenient for me on Saturday or Sunday. I would try to spend that time with my sister. Not to mention I had so much homework this weekend. All the teachers love to give me work at the same time in the biggest loads #studentslivesmatter. Us scholars would also like a break sometimes. Due to all these obstacles, Kazmin and the girls weren’t able to film yet but I will definitely make sure filming will get done. The whole group loves to film so this shouldn’t be a problem.  Anyways see you in the next production blog guys. Can’t wait! 


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