Genre research: Horror, making it final
Genre 1 Thriller: We decided to look into a thriller as a potential candidate for our movie sequence genre because it has a lot of the movie/character conventions we want to explore. Thriller is one of the genres that have a lot of built-up anticipation leaving you at the edge of your seat. Movies that fall under thriller are normally filmed in a private and/or creepy destination, while others are filmed in more popular areas. This is something we are looking for when thinking further along into this project and the setting we choose to film in. Unfortunately, we didn't choose thriller as our final genre. It's common to see a lot of low lighting in thrillers and based on the camera equipment we will have and the convenience of filming the low lighting would be difficult to fulfill.
Genre 2 Romance: We researched the romance genre because our group was interested in building a story that involves love interests. Jenna and Sofia love romantic movies such as The Notebook and 10 things I hate about you. It would be cool to make an original love story between our group. Due to all of our members living near the beach, we could have developed a love story there. We had many ideas for executing the warm and comforting feeling that most romance movies give audiences. However, due to the fact our group has already done a romantic music video, we wanted to broaden the scope to different genres and learn more ways to make different films. We learned a lot from our music video about how to film a love story so it would be easy to do the romantic genre. Therefore we decide not to take the easy way out and challenge ourselves to new learning opportunities.
Genre 3 Horror: We decided to look at horror as one of our potential genres for our movie sequence. In horror movies, there is typically a use of casual clothing this is very convenient for us so we do not have to go crazy on costumes. With our previous practice we can use tracking shots to help show the point of view of the antagonist. With the ideas and brainpower, we have we can produce perfect ways to create jump scares. The dramatic suspense of horror movies really caught our eye. Who doesn’t love a good horror movie? We feel like the gore and filming process for a Horror film is a beautiful piece of art and a great choice for our opening sequence.
Decision: We have chosen the Horror Genre because it matches our pitch and we want to learn more about different genres.
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