A day in the life as Sofia

Welcome to the world of Sofia! I’m just going to share some things about myself. I actually love AICE media because it’s just fun and I get to be with all my friends and make cool videos. I seriously enjoy it. The rest of my school schedule is interesting. I like some of it but not all of it. Some thing else about me as I love animals. They are my favorite thing ever. I have two cats and one dog my cats are called cupcake and stitch and my dog is called poncho. I love them endlessly. I love hanging out with my girlfriends. We love to go to the beach and tan. Speaking of the beach, I actually work at the beach as a hostess. It’s often boring as I just stand there, but sometimes I have interesting encounters. Just the other day I saw this man carrying two snakes on his neck, and in a clear backpack there was another one. It was crazy! My favorite food is fruit but I love a good sweet. I love love to bake cakes especially for family and friend birthdays. Trying new recipes and combinations is the best thing to do. I’ll show one of my masterpieces. I love traveling, especially to cool places where I get to experience different cultures. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do, If it’s not yours, you’re weird. I recently went to Mexico for my birthday. I went with my family and my friends and we played volleyball on the beach made cool friends and drank lots of Mojitos *Wink* *wink* virgin ofc. We’ll see you soon! 


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