Storyboard Blog for our "You Belong With Me" music video

First scene: A pan in Jenna's room reveals her playing the guitar. She's on her bed and is playing to the beat of the music. 
Second scene: A split screen between Sav and Jenna arguing on the phone. Jenna is seen in a kitchen in a messy bun and a chill outfit.
Third scene: Medium shot of Sav and Jenna physically arguing. They are fighting about Jenna's new song because both of them are musicians. 
Fourth scene: Sofia looks back at Sav and Jen's argument. She lip-syncs the lyrics in a long shot looking sad.
Fifth scene: An over-the-shoulder shot of Sofia stalking Jenna's Insta. It is an artsy musical vibe with lots of guitars and video music. We will use an insert of executing this. 
Sixth scene: High angle of Sofia in the mirror applying blush while wearing earbuds and listening to Jenna's music. We will film the mirror looking back and Sofia.
Seventh scene: A tracking shot or POV angle of Sofia walking up to a door where Jenna is doing music. A transition into Jenna to demonstrate to the audience she is now gonna be singing. 
Eighth scene: A medium shot of Jenna throwing clothes in front of her closet while lip-syncing. When the song says "She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts" Jenna will throw her T-shirts in frustration. 
 Ninth scene: Jenna plops onto her bed and lip-syncs at a high angle.
Tenth scene: A medium close-up of Jenna in the car lip-syncing and turning the wheel to an action match of Sofia dancing. 
Eleventh scene: A wide shot of Sofia and other cheerleaders dancing and Sofia is lip-syncing.
Twelfth scene:  Jenna and her friend group, Sofia and her friend group in the same area, and then a zoom of Sofia and Jenna turning to each other romantically. 



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