Research Blog- Queen t-swift

  Hey guys, Kazmin and the girls back at it again with the film. Our song is You Belong To Me by Taylor Swift. The genre of the song is teenage love or romance. Taylor Swift is very known for her love songs and she has a lot. Conventions in this genre usually have a love interest, either between and boy and girl or a girl and girl or a boy and boy. For most of Taylor's songs the love interest is between  a boy and a girl, the girl being Taylor, and she is in love with the guy. For example in Love Story by Taylor Swift, there love between her and a guy she met at a ball. Also in this music video there is a lot of strong eye-contact and glaring between the lovers. The videos also includes either love interest's lip syncing with all their emotions. They usually seem frustrated at their feelings like they can't have what they want. Another convention in the Love Story is the cross cutting editing. Scenes go from the love interests performing some action together to one of them lip syncing with their whole heart. The song is usually narrating what is also going on in the music video. The costumes depend on where the music video is taking place. For example, in wildest dreams by Taylor Swift, her love interest and her are wearing safari clothes because they are in a safari. In most love music videos, the person lip syncing hold props like a hairbrush or some random object to represent a microphone. Tracking shots are used to show action like running or walking up to others. Medium long shots are usually used when lip syncing is going on. There are many two shots showing just the love interests. For example in Love You Like A Love Song by Selena Gomez, there are many shots of her with a man. These are all conventions that make love songs music videos iconic and known. Kazmin and the girls will be using some and then also adding our own touch to the video. We will try and do queen Taylor some justice. 


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