Group Blog aka Kazmin and the Girls

Hey, guyss. Kazmin and the girls have returned. While filming the commercial, my group was perfect. We never argued and if we disagreed on something we would talk it out and make an executive decision. Our schedules and locations never clashed to the point of unproductiveness. Everyone got along throughout the process and we would use our class time wisely. The reason why I chose Kazmin, Jenna, and Savannah has not changed since the last time. This is due to the productiveness and smoothness of the commercial process. I know that for the music video we will grow in our production and decision skills to make a greater film. I chose Kazmin because he is a fun person. His vibes are just happy and lively. He just randomly breaks out in a dance or starts singing in class. He also had a youtube channel when he was younger so he has a lot of camera experience. Not only is he funny and great to be around but he is hard working and reliable. I chose Jenna because not only is she one of my closest friends but she is the craziest, most merry girl I know. I know for a fact she will make our films creative and fun to do. She is also very generous and contributing. She always films "coffee talks" on her Snapchat about her day. She is a natural behind the camera. Jenna will always film and take pictures of anything and everything. I chose Savannah because she is literally the sweetest person to be around. She is super hard-working and determined, so filming with her will be easy. Her niceness is admirable and I am just comfortable around her. Even though I haven't known her long, I consider her a close friend. Her style and shoes are always on point. Her millions of Jordans will look great on camera. I think I contribute fun vibes and determination to the group. My whole group is perfect because we all balance fun and work spontaneously. We have chosen to use the song, "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift. 

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