Planning Blog


AirPods because that is our product. iPhone will probably appear in our commercial for music, specifically the iPhone 14 pro. The athletic equipment includes weights, machines, mats, towels, etc. 


Our commercial will consist of athletic wear. For the bottoms yoga pants, shorts, & sweatpants. For tops, athletic tank tops lighted and fitted t-shirts. For accessories headbands and sweatbands. For shoes, sneakers and athletic shoes like Nike. The girls would have their hair up in a ponytail or some updo. 


On 9/27/22 our group researched other airpod commercials and identified the codes and conventions. 

On 10/3/22 our group planned the props, costumes, schedule, and location for our commercial. 

On 10/3/22 our group planned and drew out our storyboard for the 30-second commercial

On 10/8/22 our group filmed and produced the commercial using CAMS and CLAMPs.

On 10/13 our group edited and added the finishing touches to our commercial to get it ready to submit. 

Location list: 

Our primary location is the gym at West Lake Village. In the gym, we will do most of the filming. The outside walkway of the gym will also be included in the commercial. The beginning of the commercial will probably be filmed at the walkway into the gym. The during will mostly all be filmed in the gym. Water breaks will be filmed in the bathroom room where the bathrooms and the water fountains are. The bathrooms themselves might also be used. The after might also be filmed on the walkway. 

Backup Plan: 

The backup plan will be to film in an outside gym near Dania. We would use the same concept but film it at an outdoor gym. This will be used just in case there are too many people in the inside gym.

How to Ease Back Into The Gym After Not Working Out For Months - aSweatLife


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